HARDI Reconstruction contest:
Phantom for testing data.

HARDI Reconstruction contest
ISBI - San Francisco
April 7th, 2013

Emmanuel Caruyer, Dept of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania.

Athena project-team, Inria and Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis logos

HARDI Challenge Phantom

Fiber geometries: The making of.


A. Fibers geometries

B. MR Signal Simulation


A. Fibers Geometry

Connectivity-based evaluation: Motivations

Motivations for a connectivity-based evaluation of
				     HARDI Reconstruction.

Challenging fibers configurations in he human brain

List of challenging fibers configurations in the brain.

Fiber geometries

Fiber geometries

B. MR Signal Simulation

Computation of the partial volume effect

Partial volume computation

Partial volume effect computation. Reproduced from [TG Close et al. Neuroimage (2009)]

For the Training and Testing data: about 100,000,000 (sub)voxels to compute!

Signal simulation

Diffusion weighted images

Noisy Diffusion-weighted images for the DSI scheme, SNR=10.

Thanks. Questions?